
Dec 20, 20202 min

Its Time to Write a Book!

Updated: Sep 14, 2021

I’ve had a lot of time for reflection lately. I have decided to put the historical novels on hold and focus on a book about my own adventures and the lessons I’ve learned along the way People ask me frequently if I’ll write a book about my own life and my travels but I’ve always been hesitant because I haven’t “made it yet.” I felt like I wouldn’t have much to offer of interest in a book right now.

But breaking my foot and a pandemic have really reminded me how suddenly life can change. It’s not about “arriving” or “making it” - it’s about the joys, wisdom, friendships, vulnerability, hope, heartaches, stumbling blocks, resilience, fears and perseverance along the way that softens our edges and strengthens our inner drive.

I’ve struggled a lot this year, stretching myself too thin for things that rob me of joy and take up a lot of time, but for little return and no opportunities for growth. My time in reflection has helped rediscover what I do want to pursue, how I want to contribute to the world, what I want to define me, and what makes me happy.

So I’m writing that book, and I’m LOVING it. I feel a spark again, and I feel peace. And the memories, the priceless memories that come flooding back as I weave together stories of my wanders, the magic of places, the kindness of people, and the feathers of wisdom I’ve added to my cap.

Here’s a picture of me last year, drenched, exhausted, sore...but so happy after walking 50 miles over a few days from Forfar to Glen Prosen. After rainy nights in the tent I was delighted to have a lovely local unlock the hostel for me and turn on the heat. Life is an adventure, and while I wait to get back out there, I’m finding new joy in writing this book!

Lilly x
